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Fore No More: Supreme Considerations in Golf Course Redevelopment

Watch over time to see if Supreme Court rollbacks on federal agency powers land former golf course preservation efforts in a sand-trap. Federal regulation of wetlands, floodplains, and hazardous substances presently places limitations on the ability to turn many a defunct golf course into housing or a commercial use, making a decision to conserve more likely. As the highest court curbs agency powers, some of those properties could gain development potential. 

Policy pro-tip: identify and preserve the most sensitive areas on former golf courses, while jumping on the opportunity to use lower-value lands for affordable housing. 

Legal pro-tip: obtain an early zoning and title analysis on development potential from experienced local real estate counsel. 

After Shutting Down, These Golf Courses Went Wild - The New York Times ( (subscription required)


commercial land, land use, land development, real estate